
Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. It is a vector. Mathematically, we define acceleration as:


The official SI unit for acceleration is m/s2, which is a meter/second per second. You may also encounter km/hr/s or other combinations of speed per unit time.

In this course, we will deal only with uniform (or constant) acceleration.

It is important to realize that acceleration is not motion. Acceleration represents a change in the state of motion. Explore and expand your understanding of acceleration by answering the following questions:

A) Describe a situation where an object has a velocity of zero but a negative acceleration.
B) Describe a situation where an object has a positive velocity and a negative acceleration.
C) Describe a situation where an object has a negative velocity and a positive acceleration.
D) Describe a situation where an object has a negative velocity and a negative acceleration.
E) Describe a situation where an object has a constant speed and a non-zero acceleration.
A) Describe a situation where an object has a velocity of zero but a positive acceleration.

To start moving, an object needs an accleration -- so an object at rest that starts to move.
B) Describe a situation where an object has a positive velocity and a negative acceleration.

A car moving to the right but slowing down.
C) Describe a situation where an object has a negative velocity and a positive acceleration.

An object moving to the left and slowing down.
D) Describe a situation where an object has a negative velocity and a negative acceleration.

An object moving to the left and speeding up.
E) Describe a situation where an object has a constant speed and a non-zero acceleration.

An object moving with a consant speed but changing direction. Recall that a velocity has speed and direction, so a change in direction will cause a change in velocity, ie acceleration.

Graphing Accelerated Motion

Explore the applet below to see the difference between constant velocity and constant acceleration.

Position vs. Time Graphs

Accelerated motion can be represented on a position vs. time graph. Examine the list below to find how to extract information from a position vs. time graph:

Play with the applet below by picking a graph, then adjusting the sliders so the motion of the red ball matches the green line.


Velocity vs. Time Graphs

Accelerated motion can be represented on a velocity vs. time graph. Examine the list below to find how to extract information from a velocity vs. time graph:

The Motion Formulas

There are 5 formulas known collectively as the motion formulas - or more specifically as the equations that describe uniformly accelerated linear motion. While these equations will be provided for you on a formula sheet during any tests, your life will be a lot easier if you memorize them. These five equations are:

(1) mf1

(2) mf2

(3) mf3

(4) mf5

(5) mf4

The symbols used in these equations are defined as follows:

avgV = average velocity

u = initial velocity

v = final velocity

s = displacement

t = time

a = acceleration

Definition of average speed

Equations (1) and (2) were introduced in the previous page of notes. They are the equations for average speed. In this section we apply them only if there is a uniform acceleration.

(1) mf1          (2) mf2


Definition of acceleration

As defined at the top of the page, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, expressed mathematically as


Rewriting this equation to solve for v2 yields equation (3).

(3) mf3


Position equation for accelerated motion

Equation (4) is a combination of the first three equations. See the derivation below.


(4) mf4


Final velocity equation for accelerated motion

Equation (5) is again a combination of the first three equations. See the derivation below.


(5) mf5